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This page contains instructions of how to solve most common problems with plugins


If you have problem with running the add-in on a Mac OS computer


  1. Please run the installer twice and run Fusion again or plugin manually.

  2. If doesn’t work, extract the package and link the plugin manually as shown in the video below.

How to extract package (Mac OS)

How to extract package (Mac OS)

Odtwórz Wideo

If you have a problem with permissions under Windows


Please check installing the plugin by command line or by normal installation once again:

Installation Win - CMD Admin

Installation Win - CMD Admin

Odtwórz Wideo
Installation Win - normal

Installation Win - normal

Odtwórz Wideo

If you downloaded Mac installer (*.pkg) on Windows


Please unpack and attach it manually as shown in the video below:

Mac to Win - example

Mac to Win - example

Odtwórz Wideo

If you have other problems


  1. Go to the Information tab (last tab in the plugin), then click Runtime folder – a new file window should be opened. Then go to the errors directory and check if any error or stacktrace files exist there. If so, please attach them. Also, if plugin cannot start, click the Plugin folder in the last tab and attach Run_... files.

  2. You can additionally:

    1. export problematic parameters by unfolding the File group and clicking Save button,

    2. export entire model as *.f3d file

    3. attach screens

  3. Describe the case and send these files to us via e-mail for helping reproducing the problem.



If you have questions about YouTube videos


... they are outdated. Most actual information is available for every product on this website in in the Guides menu or in the specific products' pages in our app store place.



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